Friday, February 13, 2009

Designing Web Template

Half lying on the bed, I kept thinking about the class on Wednesday...After presenting our all-night-work, slowly I started to get sore throat and badly headache due to hot weather lately. Luckily, the presentation is over and I’m getting better now. The task is, in a group, we have to develop a web template by integrating a learning approaches/theories. The funny is how come we forgot to change the background colour or even the font types. Then, we realize that our template is only black and white..haha..too much focusing on the strategy resulting: ‘the design is out!’ but as a student, we take the good comments to improve ourselves.

By the way, when you experienced yourself, you will find out that it is much different to apply the theory/approaches in the class and when you want to implement the theory/approaches in the webpage. In the class, we have the teacher to deliver the contents and tell the students what to do and then, the activities can be done. Unfortunately, in the webpage, the activities have to be well prepared, so that the student can interact and actively participate. Not just looking at the computer screen without doing anything (or sometimes staring into space). Moreover, in the template that we have to develop right now, we have to create a webpage whereas teacher (anyone) can use it to insert the activities based on the guide line we’ve made. See the differences??

From the several of instructional design, we have chosen Discovery Learning. This approach provides students with opportunities to develop hypotheses to answer questions and can contribute to the development of a lifelong love of learning. Students propose issues or problems, gather data and observations to develop hypotheses, confirm or refine their hypotheses, and explain or prove their problems.

From our readings, to integrate the discovery learning into this technology, we have found a few activities related such as

- simulations
- hypertext
- microworlds
- forums or Wiki

One interesting part that I like, the Discovery learning is based on this "Aha!" method. What is it?? yourself..hehe..=)


  1. I want to say : CONGRATULATION!
    Your template was greate. I really enjoy. Good job.

  2. Just please tell me about "Aha"! Ok? he he he

  3. Hehe.. if I tell u everything, it's not discovery learning.right??
